Nicola Mari, PhD

I am a Postdoc researcher in Planetary Geosciences, where I try to reveal the mysterious geochemistry of Mercury lava surface. In addition, I try to create or found useful Mercurian analog samples, in order to better calibrate the VIHI instrument on board the BepiColombo ESA/JAXA mission.
In my PhD, I used geochemistry on Martian lava flows (Martian meteorites) to reveal the interior temperature and composition, volcanic processes, and planetary evolution of Mars. I often use various cosmochemical approaches to analyze other extraterrestrial material.
On Earth, I’ve been involved with studies of magma chamber processes in Iceland and Guatemala volcanoes. I also conducted a research period about active italian volcanoes at the italian National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) and often contribute to the study of geological hazards. I’m greatly involved with scientific divulgation both in organizing conferences and in the media.