Lisa Baratelli

Lisa Baratelli is a PhD student at the University of Milan Statale, Italy.
I am currently a PhD student at University of Milano Under the supervision of Prof. Fernando Cámara. The main goal of my research is to provide further insights on the cation ordering phenomenon of omphacites, also accounting for their chemical and elastic variability. This study can be useful for understanding the constraints to the history of crustal rocks subducted to HP or UHP conditions, in particular through elastic geobarometry, calculating the entrapment pressure of omphacite inclusions. Micro-Raman Spectroscopy is applied to analyze the evolution of the Raman signal as a function of the order degree and the externally applied stresses. Validation of the results will be reached by measuring the stress state of omphacites by Single Crystal X-ray Diffraction at variable pressure conditions and by calculating the Raman shifts by ab inito techniques.