Joseph P Gonzalez, PhD

I am a post-doctoral researcher interested in understanding the evolution of the crustal lithosphere by determining the depth-temperature-time histories of mineral phases in igneous and metamorphic rocks. In my PhD research, I focused primarily on applying and integrating elastic thermobarometers with other thermobarometric methods to determine P-T(-t) conditions of metamorphic mineral crystallization within (ultra)high-pressure metamorphic rocks.
Working with the Experimental Mineralogy group in Pavia, I am using a combination of numerical and experimental methods to develop and apply an elastic model for anisotropic inclusions contained in anisotropic host minerals. The goal of this project is to develop a thermobarometric method to determine the conditions host mineral crystallization (such as zircon) and inclusion entrapment. This research is supported by a National Science Foundation EAR Postdoctoral Fellowship.