X-ray diffraction

- 4-circle Eulerian cradle
- point detector
- Mo source
- Controlled with Single software (R.J. Angel)
- Accurate and precise unit cell parameters determination using 8-position centring procedure
- Minimum crystal size 80 micron (diameter)
- 4-circleEulerian cradle
- point detector
- Mo microfocus source
- motorized z stage
- Controlled with Single software (R.J. Angel)
- Accurate and precise unit cell parameters determination using 8-position centring procedure
- Minimum crystal size 20 micron (diameter)
- 4 circle kappa cradle
- Dectris Pilatus 200kR area detector
- Rigaku Mova Mo microfocus source
- Controlled with CrysalisPro software
- Intensity data collection devoted to structural refinement
- Minimum crystal size 20 micron (diameter=
- Equipped with Oxford System LN2 cryostream for low T measurements (100-400K)
Raman spectroscopy

- green laser (Nd-Yag 532 nm/100mW)
- red laser (HeNe 633nm/30mW) (w/ ULF filter)
- motorized x-y-z stage for 3D mapping
- Magnification: 5x, 20x, 50xLWD, 100x
- Controlled with Labspec6
- Symphony CCD detector LN2 cooled
Horiba Xplora One (currently located at the petrology lab of the University of Genova)
- green laser (Nd-Yag 532 nm/100mW)
- red laser (HeNe 633nm/17mW)
- blue laser (diode-pumped solid-state 785nm)
- motorized x-y-z stage for 3D mapping
- Magnification: 5x, 20x, 50xLWD, 100x
- Controlled with Labspec6
- 1024×256 TE air-cooled scientific CCD
Optical microscopy

Zeiss Axio Imager m2m: high-resolution optical microscopes (polarized transmitted and reflected light) with motorized x-y-z stage for high-resolution 3D mapping. Equipped with 5x, 10x, 20x (LWD), 50x and 100x epiplan objectives for polarized light observation.
Zeiss Axioscope 5 polarization: high-resolution optical microscopes (polarized transmitted and reflected light) with motorized x-y stage for high-resolution 3D mapping. Equipped with 5x, 10x, 20x, 50x and 100x epiplan objectives for polarized light observation.
Zeiss Stemi 508 stereo microscope with 8:1 apochromatic zoom with long arm stand for a long distance of work. Reflected and transmitted light.
Computational resources

Aethia workstation EXA-W 20 CORE XEON (2 Intel Xeon 10 core processors, 16GB DDR4 RAM)
Aethia Mini Cluster TERA-4 with 4 nodes (2 Intel Xeon 8 core processors and 16Gb DDR4 RAM)
Software: Crystal-14 and Crystal-17 for ab-initio modeling.
Non-ambient devices

Micro furnaces for in situ high temperature experiments
ETH-type Diamond anvil cell for in situ high pressure experiments