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30€Solid inclusions in minerals as records of geological processes
Recent developments in experiment and theory allow the stress state in solid mineral inclusions to be measured accurately and precisely. This allows the measured stress states to be interpreted as entrapment conditions, thus identifying P-T points in the rock history. The methods involve non-linear elasticity as an extension of classical elasticity theory and are complex. The workshop will teach the principles of host-inclusion elasticity, its assumptions and limitations in its current form, and the methods for determining the stress state in and around inclusions. Hands-on exercises with the EosFit software will teach participants how to perform calculations to determine inclusion pressures and entrapment conditions.
The workshop is designed for research students, post-docs and faculty in metamorphic and mantle petrology. No prior knowledge of elasticity, mineral physics or Equations of State is required. All of the necessary concepts for elastic barometry will be introduced in the workshop.
Provisional program topics and speakers | ||
Lecture | Introduction to non-linear elasticity (Equations of state) and how to measure stress by diffraction | Ross Angel (Padova) |
Lecture | Host/inclusion elasticity for isotropic systems | Mattia Mazzucchelli (Pavia) |
Lecture | Measuring stress states with spectroscopy | Lutz Nasdala (Vienna) |
Hands-on tutorial | Introduction to Eosfit-7c | Matteo Alvaro (Pavia) |
Hands-on tutorial | Using EosFit-7c for host-inclusion calculations | Ross Angel (Padova) |
Lecture/Discussion | Limitations of the isotropic model. Short presentations on various aspects:
Anisotropy and fluids, shapes, cracks |
All speakers |
Discussion | Future challenges and solutions | All participants |
Download full definitive program from here. It also contains a small printable map that shows you the location of the workshop.
The zipped folder contains all the material relevant for the workshop (e.g. slide notes, software, equations of state files relevant literature etc…). Unzip the folder in your computer and follow the instruction give in the “2016_EMC_Inclusion_Installation.pdf” file.
Workshop Fee: A reduced workshop fee of 30 euro per person has been made possible by generous support of sponsors.
Sponsors: The Italian Society for Mineralogy & Petrology (SIMP); the INDIMEDEA project (ERC project to F. Nestola, Padova); the MileDeep project (SIR-MIUR grant to M. Alvaro).
To pre-register, please fill out the boxes below with your contact details, and push the ‘register’ button. Pre-registration is non-binding.
To complete the registration please provide a confirmation of the payment of the workshop fee (30 €) that can be done either
via bank transfer to:
Account holder: “Società Italiana di Mineralogia e Petrologia”
Account number: 000014317564
Bank address: Posteitaliane SpA – Piazza V. Emanuele II, 7 – 56126 Pisa
IBAN: IT41L0760114000000014317564
A proof of payment must be uploaded in order to finalize the registration not later than August 17th 2016.
The proof of payment can be uploaded together with the registration form or later on attaching the relevant file (pdf, image doc etc..) to the registration form by pushing on the “choose file” button.